Monday, November 23, 2009

I can has textbook?

Welcome to the first ever LOL-textbook featuring my Spanish textbook. Keep in mind this came in a pack with online stuff and a pocket dictionary...$400+ and we get this...

Apparently now if you're from LA, you're officially from Nor Cal and if you're from San Fran, you're no longer from Nor're from Oregon. Lulz try saying Hella now.
Oh and Miami has now become part of Alabama/Louisiana so... that might hurt the tourism/spring break crowds.
And you can't quite see it, but New York has now moved into Maine. Not so tough now eh?

Check out what Javier is watching on TV.

Look familiar?

Check out this bangin party. You got some girl already passed out on the couch [shoes are on] with more people arriving and another guy who looks like he's getting sick too. You got a guy playing old school gameboy, he's legit. And then some guy who apparently tried to get people to play king's cup, but no one wanted to and it settling with solitaire.

So the UC's raise our fees by 32%...and give me a text book that costs over 400 dollars...that tries to teach us the black and dudes.

Now THIS is a ragin party! Full band! Girls dancing on the left! Groupies on the right! Dumb bimbo trying to talk on the phone while they're playing...dumb beezy. But it's looks like Pedro isn't really enjoying himself, but no one cares about him...god damn prude...


Friday, November 20, 2009've got to be kidding me.

I have a lot of respect for Jackie Chan.

He does all that himself...back in the 80s...

Now in 2009 where talent has died and America has spit on its grave (I'm taking to you Miley Cyrus, Megan Fox and Audrina Patridge), he's subjected to being in this movie.

What the fuck, dude? Are you kidding me with this? Bob Ho is the name of your character? Is George Lopez's character named Pablo Gonzales? Is Billy Ray Cyrus's character named White Trash McSouthernaccent?

Now take a look at this.

Sound familiar? It should! Because it's the Same. Exact. Thing. Same concept. Same story progression. Same voice in the trailer echoing himself.

Jackie, fire your agent. Get back to work on the Karate Kid remake alright? Try to redeem yourself by NOT ruining that franchise.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

In the Words of Sean Connery

More Pictures of Lego Disneyland Here.

I'm impressed.


Gym Class Heroes

New Music video of the song "Live A Little" filmed during Shocktoberfest 2009!
Pretty cool to think that my friends and I were in the pit and there are a lot of shots of the pit.

But it's also funny to think that most of the shots from Shocktoberfest...aren't of them singing "Live A Little"


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


RIP Affordable Education
RIP Quality Education
RIP Wallets

Some weak shit right there.

I really enjoyed going to a public school, but I guess I turned in an application of transfer to a "public" school.

$8,726 2009-2010
$11,287 by 2011

The only good thing this does to me is motivate me to apply for RA or CA next year so I can save my mom money on housing at least.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So sick. Raises the bar for shooting the pier.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lightbox in Linguistics

I'd like to direct your attention to this photo from Surfing Magazine

Now I'd like to direct your attention to the photos below.

Can I start getting paid for surfing pictures already?



I digg this. Click on the picture to see it full size...weird-o


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I can't believe how many times some people cross my mind and I can't believe how some things remind me of them causing me to lose focus on what I'm doing. I can't believe how much I miss them and then I can't believe how they probably don't do the same.

For a moment I wish they would just stay out of my mind. There is nothing I can do about it.

But then maybe I don't want them to leave my mind, because if my assumptions are right, then I will lose touch with them even more than I already have.

I wonder I'm doing the same thing to someone else. If I am, I'm sorry.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Disney Lessons Learned

Via: Jeff Brunner

A more cynical side to Disney princes and princesses. Made me take a ride on the Lol-er coaster...and I didn't even need a Fast Pass for it.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fear and the Beach

Source: Postsecret

I've been saving this since July 28th.

I'd be lying right now if I said I wasn't feeling a little scared right now about the future. I have a friend who just declared her major and I have several other friends who are extremely close to declaring their majors AND minors. I know what I want to major in and a possible minor, but actually declaring it is pretty scary now. As you all are extremely (and possibly annoyed with) aware of my major and mom situation, the time is drawing closer to tell her what I want to do.

It doesn't help that she basically told me to make sure this education is worth it because the rising cost of going to school is become ridiculous. Then I started worrying. What if I can't get a job? What if my writing takes me nowhere? What if I go nowhere after June 2012? Left in the dust while my friends go on to get good jobs and continue on...without me.

I'd continue to lie to you if I said my confidence was shattered...because it isn't. If I graduated, couldn't find a job, and just gave up on everything, then the four years at UCI would've been for nothing. Not because it didn't find me a job, but because I obviously didn't learn how to readjust and change a situation.

But I'm not about to become like the person that submitted that post secret, at least not the first part. Maybe I'll catch a break.

We read this book called "Outliers" for Writing 39C and it basically talks about the different circumstances in which people become successful. Some were by skill, some were by practice, some were by luck and some were from just hard work. I won't be able to say now if any of those factors helped me.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm writing this more for myself because I need a place to remember it should my memory fail:
I had a dream last night that I remember vividly, which is odd because I don't really remember my dreams often. I essentially spent the entire day with my dad. I don't remember everything we did, but I remember the end the most. We were on the boardwalk on some beach. He said he had to leave and we just hugged. I don't remember him walking away, but I remember the sinking feeling I had. The emptiness. Either way it wasn't a good feeling to see him leave. I'm not a fan of dreams like this. It makes me feel like I didn't sleep at all because it felt too real. I've never felt emotions during my dreams until this point, never quite felt so sad because of something my imagination cooked up.
But then my mind turned it around for the better. I would give anything to spend a day with my dad again, more than anything, and I essentially did. And I'm glad I felt so sad when it was over. And I'm glad I associate my dad with the beach. Those two things are always associated with pure genuine happiness.

I guess sometimes we just need a little bit of sadness to realize how happy we really are.


Sunday, November 1, 2009


Don't talk to me about timing.
I've timed things right.
I've timed things wrong.
I've let time slip through my fingers.
I've sat and voluntarily watched time go by.

Thanks for not talking to me after everything you said to me at the end of summer.
Thanks for not trying as hard as I do to keep our friendship alive.

Thanks for smiling in your pictures on facebook so I can't forget how pretty you are.
