Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I don't believe in losing friends.
I believe in paths separating and crossing.
If those paths separate forever, then so be it.
But if you don't want that to happen, I'll put in just as much effort as you do to make sure our paths cross constantly.

Florence huh? That's pretty tempting. I'll see what I can do.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

uh Wow?

I'm sure glad I can dance as well as this's not like I had a 12 year head start or anything...

What am I doing with my life?!

All seriousness, that kid is legit.


Saturday, December 19, 2009


Holy not posting in 10 days batman! Apologies, winter break hit me hard and I've been having too much fun and the little downtime I've had...I've been sleeping. Priorities, I know. But I have come to share with you sometime I think is exciting.


This movie has a great concept and I think this is going to be the movie that brings Vampire badass-ness (forgive the pun) back from the dead. These vampires are scary, they're ruthless, but they're also intelligent. Exactly how they should be.

No corny lines about love.
No dramatic teenagers.
Just pure badass vampires in their truest form.

Plus it's an awesome concept. Harvesting humans for blood, human blood running out, the few free humans fighting for survival. Sounds cool.

This will probably be the only Vampire movie of this generation I would pay money to see.

One last thing.



Wednesday, December 9, 2009


If the ads are right...95% of America should be following this chart.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Moon Halo

This picture is about 45 minutes old. Looked up at the sky and saw the halo around the moon. Apparently it's created by ice crystals in the upper atmosphere.

Whatever makes it, it sure is beautiful.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Video Sift

I know right now we're all busy with studying for finals and as time goes on we keep looking for more and more creative ways of distracting ourselves so here are some videos I've found over time poking around YouTube.

Happy distracting!

A Model Day at Magic Kingdom - Exclusive Disney Parks Tilt-Shift Video

Go Longboard (2009 Skateboarding)

tow in surfing

Sweet Dreams

The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
(Yes, you did read that correctly.)


Monday, November 23, 2009

I can has textbook?

Welcome to the first ever LOL-textbook featuring my Spanish textbook. Keep in mind this came in a pack with online stuff and a pocket dictionary...$400+ and we get this...

Apparently now if you're from LA, you're officially from Nor Cal and if you're from San Fran, you're no longer from Nor're from Oregon. Lulz try saying Hella now.
Oh and Miami has now become part of Alabama/Louisiana so... that might hurt the tourism/spring break crowds.
And you can't quite see it, but New York has now moved into Maine. Not so tough now eh?

Check out what Javier is watching on TV.

Look familiar?

Check out this bangin party. You got some girl already passed out on the couch [shoes are on] with more people arriving and another guy who looks like he's getting sick too. You got a guy playing old school gameboy, he's legit. And then some guy who apparently tried to get people to play king's cup, but no one wanted to and it settling with solitaire.

So the UC's raise our fees by 32%...and give me a text book that costs over 400 dollars...that tries to teach us the black and dudes.

Now THIS is a ragin party! Full band! Girls dancing on the left! Groupies on the right! Dumb bimbo trying to talk on the phone while they're playing...dumb beezy. But it's looks like Pedro isn't really enjoying himself, but no one cares about him...god damn prude...


Friday, November 20, 2009've got to be kidding me.

I have a lot of respect for Jackie Chan.

He does all that himself...back in the 80s...

Now in 2009 where talent has died and America has spit on its grave (I'm taking to you Miley Cyrus, Megan Fox and Audrina Patridge), he's subjected to being in this movie.

What the fuck, dude? Are you kidding me with this? Bob Ho is the name of your character? Is George Lopez's character named Pablo Gonzales? Is Billy Ray Cyrus's character named White Trash McSouthernaccent?

Now take a look at this.

Sound familiar? It should! Because it's the Same. Exact. Thing. Same concept. Same story progression. Same voice in the trailer echoing himself.

Jackie, fire your agent. Get back to work on the Karate Kid remake alright? Try to redeem yourself by NOT ruining that franchise.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

In the Words of Sean Connery

More Pictures of Lego Disneyland Here.

I'm impressed.


Gym Class Heroes

New Music video of the song "Live A Little" filmed during Shocktoberfest 2009!
Pretty cool to think that my friends and I were in the pit and there are a lot of shots of the pit.

But it's also funny to think that most of the shots from Shocktoberfest...aren't of them singing "Live A Little"


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


RIP Affordable Education
RIP Quality Education
RIP Wallets

Some weak shit right there.

I really enjoyed going to a public school, but I guess I turned in an application of transfer to a "public" school.

$8,726 2009-2010
$11,287 by 2011

The only good thing this does to me is motivate me to apply for RA or CA next year so I can save my mom money on housing at least.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So sick. Raises the bar for shooting the pier.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lightbox in Linguistics

I'd like to direct your attention to this photo from Surfing Magazine

Now I'd like to direct your attention to the photos below.

Can I start getting paid for surfing pictures already?



I digg this. Click on the picture to see it full size...weird-o


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I can't believe how many times some people cross my mind and I can't believe how some things remind me of them causing me to lose focus on what I'm doing. I can't believe how much I miss them and then I can't believe how they probably don't do the same.

For a moment I wish they would just stay out of my mind. There is nothing I can do about it.

But then maybe I don't want them to leave my mind, because if my assumptions are right, then I will lose touch with them even more than I already have.

I wonder I'm doing the same thing to someone else. If I am, I'm sorry.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Disney Lessons Learned

Via: Jeff Brunner

A more cynical side to Disney princes and princesses. Made me take a ride on the Lol-er coaster...and I didn't even need a Fast Pass for it.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fear and the Beach

Source: Postsecret

I've been saving this since July 28th.

I'd be lying right now if I said I wasn't feeling a little scared right now about the future. I have a friend who just declared her major and I have several other friends who are extremely close to declaring their majors AND minors. I know what I want to major in and a possible minor, but actually declaring it is pretty scary now. As you all are extremely (and possibly annoyed with) aware of my major and mom situation, the time is drawing closer to tell her what I want to do.

It doesn't help that she basically told me to make sure this education is worth it because the rising cost of going to school is become ridiculous. Then I started worrying. What if I can't get a job? What if my writing takes me nowhere? What if I go nowhere after June 2012? Left in the dust while my friends go on to get good jobs and continue on...without me.

I'd continue to lie to you if I said my confidence was shattered...because it isn't. If I graduated, couldn't find a job, and just gave up on everything, then the four years at UCI would've been for nothing. Not because it didn't find me a job, but because I obviously didn't learn how to readjust and change a situation.

But I'm not about to become like the person that submitted that post secret, at least not the first part. Maybe I'll catch a break.

We read this book called "Outliers" for Writing 39C and it basically talks about the different circumstances in which people become successful. Some were by skill, some were by practice, some were by luck and some were from just hard work. I won't be able to say now if any of those factors helped me.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm writing this more for myself because I need a place to remember it should my memory fail:
I had a dream last night that I remember vividly, which is odd because I don't really remember my dreams often. I essentially spent the entire day with my dad. I don't remember everything we did, but I remember the end the most. We were on the boardwalk on some beach. He said he had to leave and we just hugged. I don't remember him walking away, but I remember the sinking feeling I had. The emptiness. Either way it wasn't a good feeling to see him leave. I'm not a fan of dreams like this. It makes me feel like I didn't sleep at all because it felt too real. I've never felt emotions during my dreams until this point, never quite felt so sad because of something my imagination cooked up.
But then my mind turned it around for the better. I would give anything to spend a day with my dad again, more than anything, and I essentially did. And I'm glad I felt so sad when it was over. And I'm glad I associate my dad with the beach. Those two things are always associated with pure genuine happiness.

I guess sometimes we just need a little bit of sadness to realize how happy we really are.


Sunday, November 1, 2009


Don't talk to me about timing.
I've timed things right.
I've timed things wrong.
I've let time slip through my fingers.
I've sat and voluntarily watched time go by.

Thanks for not talking to me after everything you said to me at the end of summer.
Thanks for not trying as hard as I do to keep our friendship alive.

Thanks for smiling in your pictures on facebook so I can't forget how pretty you are.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We are all guilty.

Facebook Etiquette.

I wish I could've written this myself drawing from examples from my friends list. Don't worry, I would include myself because I'll admit I have done a couple.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mums the word

I was going to say a lot of things for this post.

I decided they were better off being dealt with out there than in here.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Can you even hear yourself?

I've been noticing something very bad. An annoyance that out does the fly and the mosquito. A trend more annoying than people walking extraordinarily slow through the halls. It's spreading around UCI. Maybe it's the classes I'm taking that support people like this, but it needs to stop.

I'm talking about people who love to hear themselves talk.
Classic signs include:

Talking over the TA and sometimes even the professor.

In a effort to sound smarter in front of everyone else, they ask answer questions in a pedantic way to try and sound more intelligent, however it comes off as conceited and pretentious. They look for ways to one-up the professor or TA by arguing and talking over them. They have their opinions and as a result close their minds to any other interpretations and continue to argue until they feel they've won.

Adding their own worthless commentary to everything the professor says.
In another attempt to sound smarter than others, they, instead of arguing with the professor, try to add intelligent commentary to things the professor says in hopes of getting on the professor's good side. They also tend to use pedantic language. About 98% of the commentary is also worthless. It's not worth saying something after everything the professor says, especially trying to use the joke about assume making an ass out of you and me. I've seen that joke on sale in antique shops.

Being completely oblivious to how annoying they really are to the rest of the class.
Due to their continuous attempts to sound intelligent and better, their conceit has rendered them completely oblivious to the reactions of others AND of the TA and professor. They can't see others rolling their eyes EVERY time they speak. They don't hear the groans when they speak. They don't notice the dilation of the TA/Professor's pupils out of frustration and hatred. They don't notice when the TA/Professors try to change the subject.

So those are the signs.

Until the annoyance is quelled. I will continue to make sure they see me do this:

You know them, I certainly hope you aren't one of them.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oh Irony

So tonight my apartment complex and several others have a scheduled power outage from 9PM to 6AM.

Yes you did read those hours right. 9PM as in night time to 6AM.

Logic: 0
Bad Logic: 1

By now you're probably wondering what the power outage is for?

Rumors are going around that it's for the new parking structure for the ARC...which isn't being used by anyone now and probably won't be used in the near future.

Logic: 0
Bad Logic: 2

Another rumor is that it's for the new housing that's currently being built on campus...except some of them aren't even finished so why test the power now?

Logic: 0
Bad Logic: 3

Yesterday, another power outage occurred in the Graduate housing area that happened during the middle of the day.

Logic: 1
Bad Logic: 3

Except the Graduate housing takes up about a quarter of the apartments in the rest of the complex being affected tonight

Logic: 0
Bad Logic: 4

Let's return to the hours of which the power outage will occur: 9PM-6AM
9PM is prime hours for studying/playing video games/basically doing stuff in your apartment that requires electricity because, well, the fuckin SUN HAS SET as in no light as in humans can't see well. AND it will probably still be out when we go to sleep rendering alarm clocks useless. Also some classes have online homework, but how are people supposed to do it in the dark, without internet, and turn it in if they have late classes or had classes all day? Granted we could return to campus when the power outage occurs, but how will we get back without shuttles running? Walk? Try again.

Logic: 0
Bad Logic: 9182736498762346918723463924.88

Who knows? Maybe this will prove the theory of our generation having gadget addictions. Speaking of that I found an interesting article talking about that subject right here. It's really interesting, definitely check it out.

But still, this entire situation comes down to 3 simple words:

*best said in somewhat scottish and/or irish accent

The irony of it all is this week is "Resident Appreciation Week" at VDC.
Looks like I need to go get in line for the LOL-er coaster.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pipe Dream

I hope to God that that is real.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Octoberfest Skimboarding Competition 2009

After attending Shocktoberfest 2009 with Shwayze and Gym Class Heroes, which was a lot of fun I spent the weekend down at Newport Beach for the Octoberfest Skimboarding Competition with some friends. Pretty much didn't know it existed until this summer when I watched my friends skim themselves (as seen in previous entries) but it was super fun. Totally free and casual. I liked how close we could get to the competitors and the action. Minus the less than stellar weather conditions, the action was great.

Couple photos from the competition, all of them will be on my Flickr over time because I've already used 61% of my monthly allowance.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Published Material

So earlier this month I received a message on my flickr page from a company that has a map of all the sights to see in San Diego. Things like Seaworld, Balboa Park and the Zoo, the tourist locations. Anyhow they wanted to use the picture above. Seemed pretty legit and I looked over the copyright stuff and I'm pretty sure they aren't making money off it. I don't know I just kind of went for it. I mean if someone went looking for my flickr, maybe this is just another avenue to get my name out there somehow.

So yeah, you can find the photo here

Also I'll post some pictures from my weekend at the skimboarding competition in Newport, but I have a lot of work to do, mainly the article for the newspaper that I have to do for it.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vol. 121

I don't really know what brought on these extreme thoughts of the future.
Maybe it was my friends discussing how people we know are turning 20 before the end of this year.
Maybe it was the fact that I want to avoid doing more research on Arthur Ashe.
Maybe it was the rain.

Either way, it's nagging at my mind.

Twenty years old? Twenty? 2-0? That's 1/5th of a century. That's a solid chuck of life.

Then I realized how fast this second year is going, and yet it feels like I've been doing this forever. It must be a sign of familiarity. A sense of belonging that I'm finally beginning to feel more and more.

I like to tell people that college is probably the most direct and indirect experience you will ever have.

Indirect in that professors have such little interaction with you. They rarely try to remember your name. They don't care if you don't want to be there. They're responsible for upwards of 300 students, plus their own research. They have no time for us. On top of that, you are one in a population of 20,000+ students. You'll be lucky if 20% of them know your name.

And yet...the feeling of belonging has never been greater.
You'll meet new people and you'll make it count. You'll find people always looking forward to see you, always coming to talk to you, always supporting you. Aside from the few at home, I've never felt closer to these people.

I'm starting to do more research into studying abroad. My plan is to go the summer of 2011 so between my 3rd and 4th year to hopefully the UK or Spain. People keep saying how they wish they could've stay for a whole year, but I'm not sure if I want to give up my fourth and final year like that. So I'll probably just leave early during the summer and spend time traveling before fall when my classes start.

Essentially, this post is the fact that things seeming so far in the future are suddenly coming at me faster and this is my outlet for not letting it overwhelm me. Actually a lot of things I write here are to keep myself from being overwhelmed when I think about it.

Is that considered teenage angst? I sure hope not, but if it is does it go away when we all turn 20?


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wear a tie much?

Only the heartless will feel nothing after watching this video.
I'm still waiting.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Return on Investment

Every time my mom and I have a conversation about majors it seems so circular. Not in the bad circular where we're going back and forth angrily about my choice of majors (because she still doesn't know) but more that she continues to "encourage" a public health major


Goes on this tangent about choosing whatever you want. "Parents worry because they want to make sure they get the most out of their investment of 40 thousand dollars. I mean, if you work something and hate the situation or hate what you're doing, just take the classes to change careers WHILE you're still working. People change careers all the time, it's a shame it didn't work the first time around, but it happens. But if you want something enough and you're willing to work for it, then it's fine."

I understand where she is coming from. I could've gotten offended and believed that all I was to my mom was an investment, nothing beyond making sure they spent their money in the right place, as in if I messed up, I was simply a waste of money.

But it's not like that.

I admit that I don't know where Lit Journalism will take me. I'll admit it's nowhere near as secure as something in the health care field. But if you ask me, going for the health care field seems like the easy way out with the hardest journey to get there. Lit Journalism will be hard too, but I've already taken steps to get there. If I wanted to get into Public Health, I should've been taking more public health classes, chemistry, and biology. I should've joined the public health association on campus, but I went to the New University orientation instead.

If I can get into Intro to Literary Journalism and Reporting on Literary Journalism, next quarter, then the deal is sealed.

By the way, this is documentation for the future in case I actually do end up saying all that.


Friday, October 9, 2009


Well I told my mom about my venture into the world of the New University and the possibility of getting published. I told her about how I was going to write about the skimboarding competition and possibly become a staff writer for the newspaper. Her response? *Slight pause* "These enchiladas are a lot like the ones from Las parillas."

Should this be considered an FML moment? I'm not going to look at it that way. She also called out the fact that I'm not taking any science classes this quarter. I'm not about to give up on this now. The commitment has been made. Should anything happen now, I'm going down with the ship.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stoked a bit

Some big things are in the making right now, amigos. This is a good way to start the year. Of course, my classes are going well for now, I'm actually more confident that I can get straight A's now which is always good right? Right. And I've been playing tennis at least twice a week now so it will always be a good time when I'm on the court.

Most importantly, I proposed an article to the UCI newspaper, New University and they accepted it. So the weekend of October 17/18 I'll be attending a profession skimboarding competition in Newport and writing about it. I'm pretty stoked because the policy is to have 4 article written before I become a staff writer and get paid for writing, plus I get the experience and published material...and get paid...but that's neither here nor there. I'm actually a bit nervous about writing it, I mean I've written for the yearbook before, but never had my name directly attached to it, but this is like big time bold letters that basically attach IF HE MESSES THIS UP, HE IS STUPID!! It's a little intimidating. I think yearbook lured me into a feeling that I could be well known by taking pictures. Pictures sometimes required no explanation because everything is there before you. But this is different. However, I'm channeling all the positive feedback I've received from people who read this blog to helping me write this article well. You all are pushing me to bigger and better things and I couldn't be more thankful for you.

I'm not sure if this is what my mom meant when she said to get my grades up. Seems like I'm doing way more than I was last year, but this might be good because I'll have to set specific times to study and things like that.

Another reason for getting the GPA up is requirements for studying abroad! Woo hoo! I know for sure now that I will be heading across the pond to Europe, unless there are outstanding circumstances to which the alternative will be Aussieland. But yes, I would like to go to the UK or Spain since I have to take so much spanish I might as well put it to use right? But I need at least a 3.2 to be able to go. Time to step up the game and get it.

Thanks for reading kids. This was a long one. Whew.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Somewhat fixed

Well unfortunately I can't make my blog take up the entire browser window and make the header image fit well so I've settled with this. I really like the header image and I can still set the photos to be uploaded as "large." Still looks alright. I might change the colors around a bit, but I'm pretty much set on this one.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Major Construction

Well, it was suggested by one of my fellow readers/bloggers that I should reformat my layout so that way pictures and videos could fit to their full size. I successfully did that and then just went HGTV-Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition-Flip This House on Wombat Soup.

My only problem is the picture in the header. I would like it to extend all the way across the top without requiring visitors to have to scroll sideways to see the entire thing. Any HTML wizards are welcome because I have 0 experience in it.

And any overall suggestions are welcome. I hope it's somewhat pleasing to the eye right now. I've been reading a lot about that stuff for my Film & Media class, things like soft colors in the background while the costumes are bright.

So from now on, the pictures and videos will finally be at their largest potential, and the colors are different, but the content will remain the same. I think that's the most important part.

I think the computer gods are LOL-ing at me trying to change this stuff.


Saturday, October 3, 2009



Light Graffiti

This was my Friday night. This was legit. This will happen again.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Holy Guacamole

Hey amigos, sorry I haven't posted ANYTHING since I moved back to Irvine. It's just been crazy up here now that I'm in my own apartment, seeing old friends, getting back in the routine of classes and overall just getting back into action. It's been just an absolute whirlwind. So I guess I'll just update you on what's been going on.

I'm currently taking Linguistics, Spanish, Writing and Film & Media.

Linguistics so far looks like it's going to be my hardest class just because I have no idea what it is, but that it has to do with the formation of language and things like that. Or as my professor put it, using the scientific method to look at language. Yes, but if it gives me math credit without actually having to do math...FULL STEAM AHEAD!

Spanish is extremely easy so far, but I am in the lowest part of the series so hopefully it will continue to be somewhat easy.

Writing seems chill for right now. People always said how hard this class would be, but my theme is on success stories so I'm expecting all the essays to become a huge biography. Hopefully I'll get a good person to write about. But if I want to go into journalism, there is no reason to complain about writing now.

Film & Media is awesome. I watched Psycho for the first time last night. Classic as I assumed. I'm looking forward to watching a lot of movies people reference like Apocalypse Now, Momento and Raging Bull.

I guess it's a pretty solid schedule. This is the quarter where my grades need to rocket. A 2.8-2.9 GPA in unacceptable on so many levels, but obviously I'm going to try and get A's in every class, however I'm most confident I can get it in Film & Media and Spanish.

I guess what I'm mostly looking forward to is possibly working for the newspaper. I went to an information session and spoke with the editors of the Sports and Entertainment sections. Basically I have to write 4 articles to become a staff writer and get paid. We'll see how it goes.

That's life here so far. Smooth sailing right now, but I have a feeling it's going to pick up speed really quickly.

Oh and the picture above is the view from my room at night.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Is it dawn or dusk?

It's currently the night before I venture back to UCI for another year. I've found that I learned a lot more about myself this summer than I expected.

I learned that even though I did well in high school and attend a 4 year university, I'm still not qualified enough to have a least not a Kohls, Nordstroms, Borders, Barnes and Noble and Target.

I learned that I shouldn't rely on other people for money towards something I really want. Don't rely completely on birthday money for a new camera, it just doesn't work.

I learned that my mom will continue to tell me to go into the health care industry until my ears bleed...then say that the world does need journalists...then continue to encourage me to go into health care...because "there will always be a need for health care workers." Won't there also always be news happening around the world?

I learned that bodysurfing is legit, skimboarding is legit to photograph and Marine Street smells like rotten eggs resulting in you smelling like rotten eggs.

I learned that Taco Tuesday rocks.

I learned that the zoo is way more fun when you don't have to do anything school related with it.

I learned that some people change...which can sometimes be bad.

I learned that some people never change...which can sometimes also be bad.

I learned that I could probably drive various places with my eyes closed. EX: AJ's house, Pacific Beach, South Mission Beach, La Jolla, Sarita's.

I learned that I'm close enough to my friends from UCI that they'll come down to San Diego to visit...multiple times.

I learned that, to some people, I'm boyfriend material and to others, I seem like a respectable guy that they would probably go out with.

I learned that devoted photographers sit outside on their balcony for hours photographing the moon and the stars.

I learned that even though I'm the only one out of my group of friends that is moving away, it makes seeing them constantly for a couple months more meaningful.

Apparently the learning didn't stop when I left UCI. I played hard this summer, now it's time to work hard.

Round 2 UCI. Better bring your A game.


Thursday, September 17, 2009


Skyshow has been a tradition between my close circle of friends since 7th or 8th grade. Our group changed through the years, but there was still an original core constantly showing up. As of 2009 we had our smallest group of originals show up. Sad as it is, it's completely understandable as well. Life gets in the way right? I would love to share my friend's dream of going until we're 30, but I know I won't be able to show up to every single one. Who knows, maybe this will be the thing that holds us together. I find it harder for myself to keep in touch with them. The odds are stacked against me.

They all go to college in San Diego, I don't.
They all went Greek, I didn't.
They all see each other almost on a regular basis, I don't.

Though as my departure date grows closer, I'll say that I didn't feel like I was the odd person out when I saw them all again.

There are a lot of things I hope change this year, but there are a lot of things I hope stay the same.

This is deeper than friendship. This is 8 years of life together. This is Family and speaking of Family, the same thing applies to my Irvine Family.

My memories are nothing without them.
My tears are nothing without them.
My laughter is nothing without their laughter.
My happiness is nothing without their happiness.

My life is nothing without their life.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Sorry, readers, I need to get this list out of things I'm currently sick of:

1. Megan Fox
All my feelings can be contained in here.

2. Anything vampire related.
EX: Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Twilight, basically anything vampire related AFTER Buffy

3. Hip-hop artists making songs by combining the lyrics of other songs (minus Kid Cudi's Make Her Say)
EX: Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo, Goodbye by Kristinia DeBarge

4. Auto-tune
EX: Takes no talent, lets the microphone and editing do all the work. As my friends and I have discovered: Auto-tune = Talking into a floor fan. Try it, it's the same damn thing.

5. Kanye because he did it to himself


YES! Jay Leno fuckin grilled Kanye, I love it! And by the way, Kanye, when you said you're always hoping to help someone else and that...yeah I could smell the bullshit all the way over here. How about you start helping yourself and toss the Hennesy, toss that girlfriend/robot/boa constrictor hybrid thing you have your arm around, and start making better music alright? Oh yeah and I'd really like to take a closer look at your head, what is that? Some kind of Egyption hieroglyphics? I feel like if Dan Brown wanted to write a new novel, he'll look to your head for inspiration.

EDIT:Right well, I understand Leno bringing up his mother might seem harsh since her death was so recent, but I think he had every right to ask. Most of the time I try to do things that would make my mom proud, and yes I do mess up every once in a while, but being such a public figure, he should've considered it long before his actions.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Kanye West Interrupts Taylor Swift at the VMAs
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Protests

Pretty much dripping with Win.
Colbert > Kanye

"And that's what really grinds my gears."
-Peter Griffin, Family Guy


Monday, September 7, 2009

Was it over before it ever began?

I don't claim to know a lot about love, only what Nat King Cole has told me. You can tell me to wait until the right one comes along all you want. I've heard it all already. "Oh it comes when you just aren't looking for it." Yeah? Just that easy? Because I'm pretty sure you said the same thing when I couldn't find my keys!

I'll tell you I've never been in it.
I'll tell you I've seen other people think they're in it, but they really aren't.
Then I'll tell you I've seen people who think they're in it, and they really are.
And I'll tell you I've seen people who don't have to admit it, but they are too.

I've never even been close. It's funny, but my closest experiences with love can only be described as out of body experiences? or rather through other people.

I've seen people who think they're in love and they really aren't. It's high school bullshit, to put it lightly. Too many claim to be in love just because they're holding hands now or because they've decked out their myspace pages with photos of them. Then have to take it down because they break up the next month. Seems like childish love. I found it stupid, but it could've been my jealousy that I wasn't in a relationship, if you could call them that.

No, I left that up to my friends, let them test those waters first. It never seemed to last and when it did, it was too good to be true. I watched my close friend "fall in love" with some jealous and possessive idiot. I knew it would end violently and it did because that's what it took for her to wake up a realize what was really happening. That's not love. No part of that was love, not even at the peak of their relationship. From the start her friends didn't like him and her parents didn't like him. That wasn't love, it was rebellion or the sick need to prove everyone else wrong and that she could "fix him."

On the other end of the spectrum, I've met some people this year who I truly believe are in love. As you may have gathered from above, I have very little faith in relationships during high school and that continues into relationships that started in high school and try to last through the first year of college. I found the people who rekindled my faith in love, the outliers, the people who made me say "Wow. That is amazing and awesome and great" I think it's because they've gotten past the point where they need to advertise that they're in a relationship, it's just there. You can see it when they interact. You can see it in the way they walk together, talk together, smile together. I would say that those people are in love and I hope it stays that way. A lot of people would say that we're too young to know what love is, but I disagree, those people's relationships are too strong to not be love at this point.

For me, I can only name about 3 people I may have been able to fall in love with...yeah that could be why I have such little faith in love right now. "Oh don't knock it, till you try it!" Trust me, I've been trying. I'm not trying to fall in love all the time, mind you, but the whole get in a relationship stuff is ridiculous for me.

The first was just not going to happen. She wasn't around long enough for it to happen so I accept that. She did make me feel differently though, beyond just being attracted to her.

The second I can't even explain how it fell apart without anything even happening. I look at her with a bittersweet feeling behind it. Everything was going right, at least it seemed that way. The connection was there, she laughed at my jokes, my friends liked her. It's like wanting to talk to a dead person, that's how many questions I have for her. In my compassionate mind, I would wait for a long time for her, but in my logical mind, the whole thing is a waste of time.

The third has been nagging at my brain for about 3 years now. If any of these could be called the one that got away, it was definitely her. She and I have always been close and tried to keep communicating. Not much I can do about it now, the timing just didn't work out. I mean I only recently found out that she felt/might still feel the same way about me, while the typical reaction might be anger, disappointment or regret, I didn't really feel that way. I was happy just to know. The peace of mind outweighed everything else.

These thoughts are mostly inspired by what I've heard and seen this summer alone. It's nice to see people in relationships. I'm just getting irritated by some friends of mine. I hate that they casually tell stories and laugh about how many people they've hooked up with. I hate that they can't remember if they had sex or not because they blacked out due to alcohol. I hate that they simply casually mention how much they've had sex. It literally bugs the shit out of me. Are you trying to brag? Do you think you're cool because you're so loose? I'm trying not to sound stuck up because I'm still a virgin or anything, but seriously. It's just the way I feel and it's what I believe. You know those people I mentioned about truly being in love? I'm pretty damn sure they're still virgins.

Love couldn't possibly be measure by how much sex you had, it might be a good indicator, but it is way more complex than that, I'm sure of it. I can't even begin to wonder what you're thinking when you do those things with all those people. Are you looking for love? Are you looking for companionship? Are you looking for someone to hold you? Or are you simply looking for a good time? Because I can probably name 100 different things that will give you the same feeling without it involving sex. And I'm fucking tired of hearing about your sex-capades. It's annoying. I feel dirty and awkward hearing about it and even more I feel angry because you act like it's as normal as breathing.

But, as cynical as it sounds, I'll be back at school and I won't have to worry about it anymore. You can sleep with whoever you want, you can hook up with whoever you want. And when it falls apart, I'll be there to listen and try to make you feel better, but that's it. I can hope all I want that nothing bad happens to you, but I will not try and will not be able to do anything else.

I think too much when I'm taking 45 minute long exposures of the night sky.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ask me how I spend my friday nights

Well if you remember back to July 1st, I posted pictures of these amazing night shots saying how when I had the patience to do it, I would.

Guess I had the patience to do it last night/early this morning. I got back from my friend's house around 1AM and the entire drive home I kept getting distracted by how bright the full moon was. I usually have to use my high beams when I drive home from his house, I didn't have to this time because of the moon. And it just so happened that I recently acquired a cable release from my friend for free and needed to make sure it worked.

It did, I wish I could show you, but Blogspot is being kind of retarded and not letting my upload pictures right now so there's probably a better chance of them being on my Facebook or Flickr.


Monday, August 31, 2009

Walt Disneyworld of Marvel?

I woke up this morning and found out that Disney bought Marvel comics for a whopping 4 billion dollars.

In my opinion, 4 billion dollars seems a little small for acquiring the ownership rights of icons like X-Men, Fantastic 4, Iron Man, etc. But I'm not an investor so I don't know a lot about it, but I seriously doubt either of these two companies will be losing money any time soon.

However, I'm still not sure what to think of this. I hope the Disney CEOs are smart enough to realize what they have done and how much of a fan base they have just picked up along with the fact that said fan base can easily turn on them if any Marvel characters are ruined.

Some people are saying that the comics will now become "Disney-fied" I guess meaning that they'll lose a bit of their edge in order to be more family friendly, but I doubt that will happen.

My only worry is that if I so much as smell the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus making an appearance in a Marvel movie or in any comics for that matter, I'll be gravely disappointed in Marvel.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Space Travel

I found this photo in the Wall Street Journal yesterday. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to take it seriously or not, but then I did some research and found various articles talking about Space Tourism, private companies making space shuttles and things like that.

The advertisement reminded me of all these posters from the 50s about space travel and things like that.

Are we really that close to casually traveling to space? Granted the definitions of "Going to space" vary greatly. It could be a 5 second ride into the upper reaches of the atmosphere before falling back to earth or it could legitimately be leaving the atmosphere and docking with a Space Hotel or something. To which those guys at the International Space Station would be like "Wait, I spent years in college and training to become an astronaut and these rich suits just casually came up here too?! Careful, these doors aren't big enough to fit your wallets through!"

I'm not too sure how I feel about space travel. I think it'd be cool, but it would be incredibly expensive, unless it becomes popular enough to be a regular thing like airplane travel. Although, I can't even stand sitting in a plane for a 16 hour flight to Australia, how am I supposed to handle a 3+ month ride to Mars? Easy solution: Hypersleep!!

Anyway, I think space tourism is in the beginning of beginning stages, but it would be awesome to see a major breakthrough in my lifetime.

We could easily be going from life like this:

To life like this:


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When you fell through the clouds, you found me

I like this video a lot for a lot of reasons. The song. The color. The setting. The animals.


Monday, August 24, 2009

And that's why...

Well, after being extremely tired from Warped Tour, I was invited to go jetskiing out at Mission Bay the morning after. I'm not sure if it was against my better judgment to go, but I'm glad I did...after I got there.

My body was still tired from Warped Tour and being thrashed around on a jetski and tube didn't seem like the best way to help it.

Nevertheless, I was told that I would first have to ride the tube before getting on the jetski, did I say told? I think the words forced against my will and peer pressured are more appropriate. Anyhow, riding the tube isn't as bad as it sounds. I'm not really sure if you put your life more in the hands of the person driving the jetski or in Sir Isaac Newton, but it's still fun. I mean your butt becomes jelly after basically being slapped over and over again, plus there the chance of being thrown off and landing badly, but it didn't happen. Damn good thing the water was warm.

However, the subject of this is a lesson about a tube, the engine running and a rope around my arm. Do not ever mix those. I was wrapping the rope around my arm to pull the tube in after my friend had been throw off. Yeah didn't really process that the engine was still running until my sister accelerated and the rope tensed pulling me into the water and wrapping my arm in it. It was pretty bad because it was stuck on my thumb as well, pulling it away from the rest of my fingers. So many things could've gone wrong. I could've broken my thumb or wrist, the rope could've cut into my arm badly, things like that.

Broken thumb probably would've been the worst, I mean how am I supposed to play Halo or write with a broken thumb? (yes in that order).

But instead I just ended up with this:

Basically massive rope burn. I guess I've been good about drinking my milk because I seriously thought my thumb would be pointing towards my body after that whole thing.

I think that experience was as close to being constricted by a giant snake as I'll ever get...unless I actually get constricted by a giant snake.

So lesson learned, jetskiing is still badass, I loved it. We went off some huge wakes and got the entire thing out of the water, hence the badassness of it all. My entire body is sore today, mostly in the thighs, glutes and lower back, but it was totally worth it.
