Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oh Irony

So tonight my apartment complex and several others have a scheduled power outage from 9PM to 6AM.

Yes you did read those hours right. 9PM as in night time to 6AM.

Logic: 0
Bad Logic: 1

By now you're probably wondering what the power outage is for?

Rumors are going around that it's for the new parking structure for the ARC...which isn't being used by anyone now and probably won't be used in the near future.

Logic: 0
Bad Logic: 2

Another rumor is that it's for the new housing that's currently being built on campus...except some of them aren't even finished so why test the power now?

Logic: 0
Bad Logic: 3

Yesterday, another power outage occurred in the Graduate housing area that happened during the middle of the day.

Logic: 1
Bad Logic: 3

Except the Graduate housing takes up about a quarter of the apartments in the rest of the complex being affected tonight

Logic: 0
Bad Logic: 4

Let's return to the hours of which the power outage will occur: 9PM-6AM
9PM is prime hours for studying/playing video games/basically doing stuff in your apartment that requires electricity because, well, the fuckin SUN HAS SET as in no light as in humans can't see well. AND it will probably still be out when we go to sleep rendering alarm clocks useless. Also some classes have online homework, but how are people supposed to do it in the dark, without internet, and turn it in if they have late classes or had classes all day? Granted we could return to campus when the power outage occurs, but how will we get back without shuttles running? Walk? Try again.

Logic: 0
Bad Logic: 9182736498762346918723463924.88

Who knows? Maybe this will prove the theory of our generation having gadget addictions. Speaking of that I found an interesting article talking about that subject right here. It's really interesting, definitely check it out.

But still, this entire situation comes down to 3 simple words:

*best said in somewhat scottish and/or irish accent

The irony of it all is this week is "Resident Appreciation Week" at VDC.
Looks like I need to go get in line for the LOL-er coaster.


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