Thursday, October 22, 2009

Can you even hear yourself?

I've been noticing something very bad. An annoyance that out does the fly and the mosquito. A trend more annoying than people walking extraordinarily slow through the halls. It's spreading around UCI. Maybe it's the classes I'm taking that support people like this, but it needs to stop.

I'm talking about people who love to hear themselves talk.
Classic signs include:

Talking over the TA and sometimes even the professor.

In a effort to sound smarter in front of everyone else, they ask answer questions in a pedantic way to try and sound more intelligent, however it comes off as conceited and pretentious. They look for ways to one-up the professor or TA by arguing and talking over them. They have their opinions and as a result close their minds to any other interpretations and continue to argue until they feel they've won.

Adding their own worthless commentary to everything the professor says.
In another attempt to sound smarter than others, they, instead of arguing with the professor, try to add intelligent commentary to things the professor says in hopes of getting on the professor's good side. They also tend to use pedantic language. About 98% of the commentary is also worthless. It's not worth saying something after everything the professor says, especially trying to use the joke about assume making an ass out of you and me. I've seen that joke on sale in antique shops.

Being completely oblivious to how annoying they really are to the rest of the class.
Due to their continuous attempts to sound intelligent and better, their conceit has rendered them completely oblivious to the reactions of others AND of the TA and professor. They can't see others rolling their eyes EVERY time they speak. They don't hear the groans when they speak. They don't notice the dilation of the TA/Professor's pupils out of frustration and hatred. They don't notice when the TA/Professors try to change the subject.

So those are the signs.

Until the annoyance is quelled. I will continue to make sure they see me do this:

You know them, I certainly hope you aren't one of them.


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