Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Transworld Surf

Well, sorry I haven't posted anything in a very long while because I just got really sick so that's not fun...especially with this Swine Flu business. I doubt I actually have it, but it's kind of nudging at my brain. So here's to hoping this is just a regular flu because I don't particularly enjoy having goosebumps when my room is extremely warm or having hardcore shivers while I'm under all the covers of my bed.

Anyhow, onto better news, a friend of mine decided to Google my name and found some cool stuff. Particularly for me, I found out that a photo I submitted to Transworld Surf made it into the "Check ME Out" section of their website. It features photos taken by regular people who just love taking surfing photos or want to get sponsored. I was pleasantly surprised because I didn't get any indication that the photo made it in there so if it hadn't been for my friend's curiosity and Google-ing of my name, I would have never known.

So that's exciting. Oh and Photolympics is actually starting...or ending? I don't know either way I have submit my photos by Friday, but another fried of mine and I both decided that the rules and regulations and pretty much everything about the contest is extremely vague.


Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm glad


I'm glad you said yes.
I'm glad you made my heart soar.
I'm glad we talked all those late nights during the summer.
I'm glad you called me while you were on vacation.
I'm glad I somehow thought of you at least once a day.
I'm glad you gave me hope that I would start this college thing off right.
I'm glad you made me feel like I had potential.

And at the same time...

I'm glad you seem to have forgotten about me completely.
I'm glad you said you wanted to go out with me...6 months ago.
I'm glad I spent 6 months [stupidly] waiting to go out with you.
I'm glad you stopped talking to me.
I'm glad it was always me who had to put forward the effort to contact you.
I'm glad you probably don't ever think of me anymore.
I'm glad I'm such an afterthought to you.

And yes, it's really been 6 months. I come to question if you do this to every guy you meet. Do you always spend long nights talking with them? Do you always call/text them from EUROPE during the summer? Do you always say yes then never actually go through with it?

For a while, I kept giving you the benefit of the doubt. I kept telling myself that you were just busy. I kept picturing how good things would be when we eventually went out. But that only lasts for so long.

Then I got cynical and thought you were stupid and that you just liked the hunt and that you played every guy like this, but I'm not like that.

Finally, I began questioning myself. Was it something I said to you? Did I not seem confident enough for you? Or was it simply me? That's the question that floated around the most. Maybe I didn't say the right things? Maybe I wasn't strong enough? Maybe I wasn't good looking enough for you?

I'm glad you suddenly reappeared and when I asked if you still wanted to go out, you said "Yeah sure" like it was a fuckin chore.

So I'm glad you never went out with me. I'm glad you left me in the dust. Because you taught me early how some people can break your heart. It feels like you broke up with me before we were even together. It almost, ALMOST, makes it easier. And no, I'm not mad at you because you're human and things happen, some things are meant to be and somethings aren't. It's just ironic that you could make me feel this way after writing about how people should never be forgotten earlier.

I'm no longer picturing how things could have been. I'm no longer giving myself false hope. I'm no longer disappointed. I'm no longer angry. I'm also no longer waiting. And unlike you, I will never forget you, because even though you have forgotten me, it's hard to forget someone who has made such a significant impact on me, good and bad.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Undecided in the School of Humanities


I found this beautiful picture of the San Diego skyline on this website called "One exposure" or that my friend recommended to me. It's just a brilliant photo I thought people should see.

I recently had this thing called a unit assignment where I guess I have to go from undecided/undeclared to undecided in the school I think I'll major in. So I guess I went from undecided/undeclared to undecided/School of Humanities.

Tangent Alert: I forgot where I saw it but I think Obama said that someone told him, "You're going to wake up in the middle of the night one night and walk into the Oval Office completely alone. And you'll stand behind the desk and then it will suddenly hit you that you are the leader of the most powerful country in the world...and you will not be able to sleep for the next 3 months."

Anyway, I guess I kind of had a similar moment because I was walking back from it and I just thought to myself, "Holy shit, I pretty much just decided what I'm going to be studying for the next 3 years...and I better fucking like it because I can't change it."

I want to get into literary journalism, which I just found out is pretty impacted so the classes going towards the major require a B or better rather than a C. Hooray for competitiveness, but I guess I'm more motivated now because my future is on the line more than it was in high school.

One of my friends brought up an interesting point/joke asking "Can I just be undecided/undeclared forever?"

Why can't we be undecided/undeclared forever? I mean, if we joined the working force, wouldn't that mean we're the most well-rounded people? Because we can do the work put in front of us and do it well? I guess the only bad thing is that it makes us indecisive and I think if we want to move up in the business world we'd have to be able to make decisions...well that kind of kills that argument...

Still, can we just make a degree that's like Bachelors in Simply Being Good At Whatever You Put In Front Of Them Or They'll At Least Try Their Hardest?

psh, too easy for people to bullshit through college, I guess.


PS: How exactly is it possibly for the temperature in Irvine to drop about 20 degrees in 24 hours? Seriously, 97 to 68 in a day??

Monday, April 20, 2009

Are you ever coming home?

I decided to go on my extremely old photobucket account and found this picture. Most of you probably won't know who this is and you really don't need to because she's not really what this blog is about.

There is a line from Myazaki's "Spirited Away" that goes:

"Once you've met someone you never really forget them. It just takes a while for your memories to return."

She came to my school Junior year. She found her way into my heart faster than anyone I've ever known...and disappeared just as quickly when she had to move back to Michigan. I tried to keep in contact with her, but during the flurry of senior year, I lost her.

It's a sad thing to think that maybe friendships don't last forever even with all these social networking sites and different communication avenues. I remember by Anthropology teacher explaining kin and clans about how some are simply groups of people who claim to be from same person and actual groups of relatives. He said that simply "Friendships do not last forever, you will lose your friends, but you will never lose your family." Sorry Professor Egan, but I don't subscribe to that at all. I think friendships can last forever if you put in the effort to make sure of it. I now have friends all over the country because of college that I try to keep in contact with. Now perhaps two or three years down the road, we won't talk that much, but I sure as hell will try. I've lost too many people and let too many people get away before to let that happen now.

And even if you don't believe me, I'll tell you this, someone once described my group of friends here at UCI as a family and if we are still following what my Anthropology teacher said, it will last forever. I'll make sure of it and I will make sure to not lose the friends I already have.

I wish I were still in contact with her. Who knows maybe she'll stumble upon this one day. If she does, I want her to know a couple of things:

I miss you.
I miss when you would call me and your mom would always ask who you were talking to.
I hope where ever you are, you are happy.
I hope our paths cross again.


Thank you

I'm actually very surprised at how many people have been reading my blog...and telling me good things about it. It keeps me inspired to write since I know I'm getting to some people. So I'd like to simply tell you readers:

Vielen Dank
Dank u
Takk deg
Thank you. In every sense of the word, Thank you.


Saturday, April 18, 2009


Sorry, but I've been geekin out about the harry potter trailer lately, however, I'm back to normal now.

Anyway, lately this weather has been awesome except since it's so warm I've been feeling really lazy because it's like being in a giant incubator so I just want to sleep. Either way some weird phenomena has been happening to me when I wake up. I keep waking up and thinking I'm somewhere else, like on some vacation in a foreign country. I guess it's a nice feeling right up until I realize I'm still in my dorm. I don't know a lot about dreams and I don't claim to know a lot, but I don't really remember a lot of my dreams so I can't really say if this is some kind of like lingering thing in my brain from a dream, but I think if it's happening constantly it's probably not part of a dream.

I hope it's not a sign that I'm dissatisfied with where I am because I like it here, but sometimes I think back to my trip to Australia and New Zeland and feel a genuinely homesick. How can someone feel homesick towards a place I've only been to once? I don't even feel that strongly when I think about my actual home. I'm not saying I don't like my actual home, but I just don't. It's probably because I know I can go back there anytime by train or car or whatever in less than 2 hours. But Australia 16 hours away and requires planning, arrangements and things like that. Perhaps that's why I feel strongly about it because I don't know when or if I'll go back. I'd love to, but not in the near future I don't think.

Anyhow, that's all for now.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

After watching this

After watching this, did you...
A) Jizz in your pants
B) have to clean up the mess on the wall when your mind was blown
C) have to scrape your jaw off from the floor
D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Didn't I see you when you thought you wouldn't stand out?

I can't really say anymore except I think the jokes will end soon when they realize who I really want to be with.



Carrie Fisher for those of you who don't know, played Princess Leia from Star Wars. So that's a pretty promising franchise right? Plus she was pretty funny on that episode of 30Rock Actually probably one of the most prominent films in the history of film. But I recently saw a trailer for some shitty horror film called Sorority Row. It's pretty much I Know What You Did Last Summer...except with sorority girls and the costume from Scream without the mask. Bottom line it looks terrible and it's pretty sad to see Carrie Fisher go from starring next to Harrison Ford to...Audrina from The Hills...?



Sunday, April 12, 2009

Quiet Weekend

Happy Easter to all those who celebrate it!
It's been an extremely quiet weekend. I think about 70% of the people in my hall went home this weekend. I kind of think I should have too, but it's actually kind of nice to be in the dorms when no one is around. I got a lot of studying done, played too much Resident Evil 5 and Halo and most importantly lots of my thoughts together. I don't know what else to say, just that it was nice.

I found that picture above just browsing around the internet and I think it's very sweet. I'm considering putting those up around UCI too, just to indirectly brighten someone's day. Just like how I want to high five people and wish them luck while they're walking to their finals...again which I probably actually will do.


Saturday, April 11, 2009


Stumbleupon has read my mind somehow. It's kind of frightening actually. Anyway it stumbled me upon this video that is incredibly cute and just hit me somewhere close to home. It's about 12 minutes long, but definitely worth your time. I've already watched it twice. It says a lot about taking chances and second guessing yourself...speaks perfectly to me since nothing has changed since my last entry.

I guess there are some quality videos on the internet still.


Friday, April 10, 2009

What you do to me

Look, here goes, I think if I don't say what I'm about to say right now, you will slip away and I'll lose you and I have let that happen too many times before. I have feelings for you, but I am/ I am still scared to tell you because some might say you're too close. You're too close of a friend to me and I almost don't want to risk losing you if things end badly. I've been looking and waiting for far too long to not do anything about it now. You fit everything I've wanted in a person perfectly. Bright eyes, bright smile, bright mind.

Can I say all those things to you? I doubt it. I'm too afraid. I think you might feel like we're already too good of friends and that's alright, I can settle for that. Everyone is already under the impression that I like someone else anyway. Maybe one day you'll hear this, but until then, I'll leave this for the world to read and hope they never figure out who it is.

Gosh, you make me smile.



As of this current quarter I am no longer supporting TGIF because I'm not longer happy when it becomes friday. 2 lectures and 2 discussions. It USED to be that I had 1 lecture followed by a discussion then an hour break to have lunch and then do it again, but someone decided to switch discussion times so now I go Lecture, Discussion, Discussion, Lecture straight...from 11-3pm...on Fridays. RATHER THAN Lecture, discussion, break, lecture discussion.

So I just missed my first anthro discussion which probably wasn't a good idea. In a sense I should have checked it before, btu I didn't HOWEVER perhaps the TA could have sent out an email or something saying that things have been changed? I mean my teacher for Science of Superheroes did and everything is done so much over the internet now anyway. Just...fuck! I now incredibly dislike Fridays so thanks a lot UCI, I really appreciate it.

Now I'm going to go stew in my frustration for the rest of the day, but I will for sure post some more tonight, hopefully not venting.

[a very angry] wildwombat

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oh that's cool I guess...

Found these videos on I guess it's called Dice Stacking? It's a completely useless talent, but it looks pretty cool when it's well done. I'm still trying to figure out the physics behind it, but I'm not a physics person so I'll stick with the old stand by of saying "It's Magic!" It's still cool I guess...just...completely pointless.

I'll try to post another entry today.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm a mess, I guess

Dear *,

Do you think of me as much as I think of you?
I didn't think so.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why didn't I think of doing this??

So I was browsing which is probably my new favorite website for wasting time. Anyway I saw the headline link for "4 year old boy calls 911 for math help" C'mon give the kid some credit, at that age they're probably just starting to associate Help with 911...just the wrong kind of help...I just liked how the operator actually was going to help him, but my favorite part was the mom's voice in the background: JOHNNY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??!!

classic, absolutely classic. So here's the link so you can experience all of it's glory for yourself:

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day, unfortunately I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow and friday so that's kind of a damper on the week (no pun intended ((actually pun completely intended))) HOWEVER next week is looking extremely sunny for a good part of the week.

I'm wildwombat and that's your weather, now over to Steve for sports.

Monday, April 6, 2009


So apparently UCI has this photo contest called the Photolympics and I'm actually going to enter it. I've never really entered any other photo contests except for the San Diego County Fair contest, but I never really considered that a real contest since they give you a third place ribbon just for submitting something. So I thought I'd put my work out for UCI to see. A couple people told me I should do it and it makes me happy that they think of me when they hear of photography. Hopefully it will go well, but I had some trouble with the people at the bookstore.

I asked 3 people I think about the contest and none of them knew what it was, even though there are signs all over ring road and IN THE BOOKSTORE!! Let's try to be a little more perceptive alright? Although I enjoyed hearing the girls behind the customer service desk saying this:

Girl 1: So like what should I text him?
Girl 2: "Uh hello, why are you an asshole?"
Girl 1: But all he sent me was **** + ******
Girl 2: ****...he's fucking cheating on you...(turns to me) Here's his email, I would try contacting him first.
Me: Thanks...

So that I guess?
Anyway, Holy Moley, there's only 8 weeks left of my first year of college! Ay ay ay!! They say time flies when you're having fun and I must be having the time of my life because my first year has flown by. But now is not the time to remember it because it's still going so I guess look for an extended blog about my impressions of my first year at UCI.

Oh and in case you forgot/didn't know:

Yes...completion is near!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

Wow this April Fools day is only half over and it's already been quite LOL-tacular.

First, I saw in the news that UCSD decided to send out acceptance letters to about 29,000 people who were supposed to actually be rejected. While that isn't funny for people who are actually affected by it, it might be a sign for our reliance on technology, but it is still probably the Face Palm Moment of this month.

But more seriously, I do feel extremely bad about people who were affected by this because getting into college is a HUGE deal especially if they wanted to go to UCSD from day 1 only to get psudo-accepted. That's almost emotionally damaging and I hope no one does anything rash about it, but gosh UCSD has some serious repercussions to worry about for the next couple of months.

However, to brighten the mood, I found this:

Happy April Fool's Day!