Saturday, April 18, 2009


Sorry, but I've been geekin out about the harry potter trailer lately, however, I'm back to normal now.

Anyway, lately this weather has been awesome except since it's so warm I've been feeling really lazy because it's like being in a giant incubator so I just want to sleep. Either way some weird phenomena has been happening to me when I wake up. I keep waking up and thinking I'm somewhere else, like on some vacation in a foreign country. I guess it's a nice feeling right up until I realize I'm still in my dorm. I don't know a lot about dreams and I don't claim to know a lot, but I don't really remember a lot of my dreams so I can't really say if this is some kind of like lingering thing in my brain from a dream, but I think if it's happening constantly it's probably not part of a dream.

I hope it's not a sign that I'm dissatisfied with where I am because I like it here, but sometimes I think back to my trip to Australia and New Zeland and feel a genuinely homesick. How can someone feel homesick towards a place I've only been to once? I don't even feel that strongly when I think about my actual home. I'm not saying I don't like my actual home, but I just don't. It's probably because I know I can go back there anytime by train or car or whatever in less than 2 hours. But Australia 16 hours away and requires planning, arrangements and things like that. Perhaps that's why I feel strongly about it because I don't know when or if I'll go back. I'd love to, but not in the near future I don't think.

Anyhow, that's all for now.


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