Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Undecided in the School of Humanities


I found this beautiful picture of the San Diego skyline on this website called "One exposure" or that my friend recommended to me. It's just a brilliant photo I thought people should see.

I recently had this thing called a unit assignment where I guess I have to go from undecided/undeclared to undecided in the school I think I'll major in. So I guess I went from undecided/undeclared to undecided/School of Humanities.

Tangent Alert: I forgot where I saw it but I think Obama said that someone told him, "You're going to wake up in the middle of the night one night and walk into the Oval Office completely alone. And you'll stand behind the desk and then it will suddenly hit you that you are the leader of the most powerful country in the world...and you will not be able to sleep for the next 3 months."

Anyway, I guess I kind of had a similar moment because I was walking back from it and I just thought to myself, "Holy shit, I pretty much just decided what I'm going to be studying for the next 3 years...and I better fucking like it because I can't change it."

I want to get into literary journalism, which I just found out is pretty impacted so the classes going towards the major require a B or better rather than a C. Hooray for competitiveness, but I guess I'm more motivated now because my future is on the line more than it was in high school.

One of my friends brought up an interesting point/joke asking "Can I just be undecided/undeclared forever?"

Why can't we be undecided/undeclared forever? I mean, if we joined the working force, wouldn't that mean we're the most well-rounded people? Because we can do the work put in front of us and do it well? I guess the only bad thing is that it makes us indecisive and I think if we want to move up in the business world we'd have to be able to make decisions...well that kind of kills that argument...

Still, can we just make a degree that's like Bachelors in Simply Being Good At Whatever You Put In Front Of Them Or They'll At Least Try Their Hardest?

psh, too easy for people to bullshit through college, I guess.


PS: How exactly is it possibly for the temperature in Irvine to drop about 20 degrees in 24 hours? Seriously, 97 to 68 in a day??


  1. yeeeee! school of humanites ftw!

  2. I have a night picture I took of those exact buildings! :)
