Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Sorry, readers, I need to get this list out of things I'm currently sick of:

1. Megan Fox
All my feelings can be contained in here.

2. Anything vampire related.
EX: Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Twilight, basically anything vampire related AFTER Buffy

3. Hip-hop artists making songs by combining the lyrics of other songs (minus Kid Cudi's Make Her Say)
EX: Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo, Goodbye by Kristinia DeBarge

4. Auto-tune
EX: Takes no talent, lets the microphone and editing do all the work. As my friends and I have discovered: Auto-tune = Talking into a floor fan. Try it, it's the same damn thing.

5. Kanye because he did it to himself


YES! Jay Leno fuckin grilled Kanye, I love it! And by the way, Kanye, when you said you're always hoping to help someone else and that...yeah I could smell the bullshit all the way over here. How about you start helping yourself and toss the Hennesy, toss that girlfriend/robot/boa constrictor hybrid thing you have your arm around, and start making better music alright? Oh yeah and I'd really like to take a closer look at your head, what is that? Some kind of Egyption hieroglyphics? I feel like if Dan Brown wanted to write a new novel, he'll look to your head for inspiration.

EDIT:Right well, I understand Leno bringing up his mother might seem harsh since her death was so recent, but I think he had every right to ask. Most of the time I try to do things that would make my mom proud, and yes I do mess up every once in a while, but being such a public figure, he should've considered it long before his actions.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Kanye West Interrupts Taylor Swift at the VMAs
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Protests

Pretty much dripping with Win.
Colbert > Kanye

"And that's what really grinds my gears."
-Peter Griffin, Family Guy


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