Sunday, May 3, 2009

Oh boy.

I went home this weekend, but it was pretty short since I had to leave early this morning to come back to school, plus I have a midterm tomorrow so I couldn't really hang out with my friends.

Anyhow, on our way back home, I was talking to my mom and the subject of majors and stuff came up. Great...

Unfortunately, I couldn't muster up the courage to tell her what I wanted to pursue, I couldn't even tell her that I'm now affiliated with the school of humanities. She said this, "Wes, just go into the healthcare field because it's something solid that will get you a job." Awesome. Just what I wanted to hear.

I know you'll tell me to just tell her and all that stuff about how she'll understand eventually, but how long is eventually? A day after? A year after? After graduation? After I get a job? I'd like to think my mom is an understanding person, but I can't stop myself from thinking she would feel nothing but disappointment...and I think it's simply because she's unfamiliar with that area.

She said something on the way to Irvine about how people in the journalism industry are good because the world needs those types of people who can write the articles and take the pictures...but it's really competitive. How is that any different than if I went into the healthcare field? The world always needs doctors! And I think it's just as competitive! EVEN BEFORE YOU GET A JOB! Yeah, so maybe being a doctor is a little more concrete and solid that being a journalist. But I still have to try.

I don't want to be a doctor. You don't see me getting awesome grades in biology or chemistry classes, all of my highest grades have been in English classes! I don't have any awards for excellence in Bio or Chem, but I have awards for photography! I'M IN TRANSWORLD SURF'S WEBSITE! I enjoy writing more than chemistry! I enjoy thinking differently, outside of a world of measurements, fancy labels and reason. Can't you understand that?

I'm going to pursue what I love, not what you love, even though I think you yourself don't love the healthcare field. You let those people become the doctors, Mom, they want it more than I do. I'd just be taking up space and making the curves more generous. Just, for once, let me take a god damn risk and do this.

Who knows? Maybe I'll actually surprise you and become successful and then maybe you'll understand because right now I'm sure you won't listen to what I have to say after I tell you I'm not going to be some Bio or Chem major and I am not going into the healthcare field. I'm going into the school of humanities, I'm going to pursue journalism, and I'm going to do what I love, not what you think is practical.


1 comment:

  1. You're mom comes from a generation of people (our parents) who value the concept of a stable, high-paying job over the happiness that doing what you love brings you.

    Ultimately, your mom loves you, and wants you to be successful and happy. She's afraid of that not happening. Every mom is. Eventually, you're going to have to tell her. It'll suck, and it'll be hard.

    You love your mom. But what you major in, and what career you want is YOUR choice. She may not like it, but if you're sure that this is what you want to do, then don't be ashamed to tell your mom exactly your feelings here. It'll be hard, but it's got to happen.
