Thursday, May 13, 2010

School the 8th Deadly Sin

I'm going to start avoiding going to my English class early now because on two separate occasions, I've been approached by people wanting to talk to me about God and religion and stuff. Yeah, prime stuff.

Let's get this out of the way first, I'm not very religious. I do believe in God, but that's about it. I haven't been to church in a while and I don't really know a lot about the Bible and stuff, but I know enough to get by in my opinion. So, yeah I believe in God, but I don't go to church and I'm not outwardly religious. There.

Some of you might ask why I just didn't say I'm not interested or that I'm Jewish or simply run away, screaming in fear. My mentality is that these people always get denied so might as well let someone hear them out for a moment and go on with my life.
But this guy came up to me and essentially tried to quiz me on the story of Jesus and my Bible knowledge. Annoying because I don't know much about it. However, the best part was this part of the conversation:

Dude: So you haven't been to church in a while, why not?
Me: I'm kind of busy right now trying to get through school and stuff so I guess I haven't had time.
Dude: Okay well, God grants eternal life and nothing is better than that right? But if you sin, you won't be able to get into Heaven right?
Me: I guess.
Dude: Well what Satan does is puts all those distractions around like school and stuff so you lose your touch with God and sin. And we all can't not sin.
Me: I have class, thanks though. (I've gotta go sin some more by going to class, bye)

So let me get this straight, Satan invented school, education, jobs, etc to make us sin? So going to school, getting an education, getting a job, becoming a functioning member of society is sinning?

Rather God would prefer me to devote my life to be without sin, which essentially means I should sit in my room and read the Bible all day right?

But wouldn't that make me lazy...or sloth? One of the Seven Deadly Sins?

So this guy's interpretation of God is this:

If you're schoolin, you're sinnin.

Sorry mate, not buying into that interpretation of God.


1 comment:

  1. My mom doing what she does, I've become accustomed to poorly articulated beliefs. What I think he meant was that Satan tries to keep you distracted with these things so much so that you lose track of going to Church and staying in touch with God. According to what I know of how Satan works, he's a patient dude, and just tried to wear away at the fabric between you and God one thread at a time.

    But I digress: lawlz.
    Also, it was good to see you the other day, even if it was only one of your many duplicates running around. When you get back in town we should do something completely ridiculous.
