Saturday, February 6, 2010


I'm definitely inspired to join the police force/SWAT team after seeing this ad on facebook.

Starting salary of $70 per year! Holy Make It Rain, Batman! Let's sign up! Because 70 dollars per year would be about $1.35 per week, which is definitely what people can live on for a week! That's not significantly below minimum wage at all. I mean I'll be putting my life on the line sometimes, dealing with violent drunks, strung out druggies, robbers, and what not, so I guess my life is only worth $1.35. It's a little more than I expected.

And why is the age in quotes? "19" so can I lie about my age?
"So you're looking to become a cop eh? How old are you?"
"I'm '19'" (does air quotes)

0:52-1:38 is what I'm talking about [regardless the entire clip is hilarious so watch the whole thing anyway]

Finally I love that badass SWAT dude that's pointing at me to join like Uncle Sam. Really though, if I saw that in real life, it will most likely be because they're screaming at me to put the gun down and release the hostages, not "HEY YOU! JOIN THE POLICE FORCE!!!"

But the badass aura of that dude is completely ruined by the huge red writing next to him. What is that? Why does it look like a 5 year old wrote it in crayon? Maybe that 5 year old came in and was like "I'm '19' and you should hire me for my awesome graphic design skillz."

Soupers, prepare yourselves for more of these. As of lately, Facebook ads have been getting more and more hilarious. I'm thinking of changing a couple settings to see what other ads come up.


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