Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day and Skanks!

This actually has very little to do with Valentine's Day and Skanks...kind of...
Sometimes I think Facebook can be really passive aggressive and sarcastic towards their faithful users. Like when this nice ad showed up not 24 hours after the Chargers [foolishly] lost to the Jets in the playoffs.

Harsh Facebook...just harsh...

Then this one showed up. While I was playing Bejeweled instead of studying.

First of all telling me not to be lazy. That goes against everything facebook supports! LAZINESS! I, and every other user, go on Facebook to avoid working on my essay, studying for my midterm and going to the gym. I don't need you to lecture me.

Second, what is that creature supposed to be? It's not a dog. It's too chunky to be a monkey. (haha chunky monkey) It's not a bear either. Looks like the rejected pre-production art for the gremlins.

Third, are you assuming that just because my relationship status says single, you assume I'm not doing anything on Valentine's Day and thus will have time to play Zoo World? Well, you're right about being single and not having anything to do on Valentine's day, but that's not the point. How dare you assume that. I happen to have a very intimate date planned with Call of Duty...did I just admit that?

Lastly, you just said Don't Be Lazy followed by Have some fun this Valentine's Day, and play Zoo World! Pretty sure you just contradicted yourself there, Facebook. Don't by lazy! But stay inside all day and play a computer game!! YEAH!!!

Sometimes facebook doesn't need illiterate, ignorant, or misinformed users to fail. Sometimes it just fails on its own...


Hell yeah brah, my car looks just like that and gets all the ladies brah. Plus with my $30.11 auto insurance rate I can push out part of the dent that beezy left while leaning on my hood! But if I get into an actual accident while racing my sweet ride, I'm screwed! YEAH BRAHHHH!!!!


PS where are all the groups complaining about the new facebook layout?

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