Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Contrary To Popular Belief

I am not neglecting this blog. I think I put so much effort into my Lit Journalism pieces, I'm running low on inspiration, but it's paying off, Soupers. I got A's on both of my final papers. The final grade is still up in the air, but I'm happy for right now. Gives me faith. Gives my mom faith. I'll probably post them up here when I feel like it.

I think one of the hardest parts about coming home, is telling everyone what you've been doing since you've been away. For some people, you can just pick back up like you've never been away. I like that. But for others, you have to scramble to find interesting things you've done, but because you've been away, what is interesting to you might not be interesting to them. Conversations become shorter. Stories are often followed by "You had to be there." Or require so much background information on the people involved that it becomes pointless to tell it because you'll end up following it with "You had to be there."

But then you realize that even though it might seem like you're losing touch with your friends. It's impossible. Two years of being at separate colleges cannot, will not replace at least 6 years of being friends. And then it's alright.

Sky from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

I saw this video the blog of my friend, Jenna . Jenna, if you're reading this, I'm in disbelief at how similar our tastes in movies, art and humor are.

This video is stunning. I've watched about 3 times focusing on different parts of the frame whether it's just the buildings, just the sky, just the ground. It's always something new. Takes me to a different place.


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