Tuesday, August 18, 2009

District 9

I'm currently writing this review about 20 minutes after I saw this movie and I'm going to say this over and over again to anyone who asks me.

Go. See. This. Movie.

For the life of me, I can't run out of good things to say about District 9. For a budget of only 30 million dollars (compared to movies like Transformers and Harry Potter that have budgets of 100+ million) this movie blew me away.

The documentary style camera angles completely immersed me in this movie. I rarely find myself experiencing different emotions during a movie, but this one made me feel a lot.

I won't say much about the story because I think the publicity of this movie kept a lot of people from really knowing what it was all about, just know this is NOT a typical alien movie. No invasions or Tom Cruise saving the day, this is completely different and original.

That's probably the best way to describe this movie is completely 100% original. And it knows it, and it doesn't hold back.

Some articles were saying that this was Peter Jackson's saving grace after the death of the Halo movie (which may or may not be back on after Spielberg announced his interest in producing it) But I would have to agree with that speculation. The gun battles are awesome especially with having cameras attached to the side of the gun so it feels kind of like a first person shooter game. There's also lots of futuristic guns made by the aliens and a few rifles that look suspiciously similar to the Halo Battle Rifle.

I hope this movie gets some kind of nomination for cinematography, achievement in special effects or something.

Bottom line, this movie is on a whole different level from Transformers, Harry Potter, GI Joe or any other mindless summer blockbuster. This movie is great, I loved every moment of it.

You should see it now.


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