Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vans Warped Tour 2009

I went to the Vans Warped Tour for the first time yesterday. It was awesome minus the heat and driving there. Who would've thought that it would take over an hour just to get from El Cajon to Chula Vista? Well, it shouldn't for those who are unfamiliar how close those places are. Plus it was about 87 degrees on the way there so it was hotter in the car.

But we got there nonetheless, missed Less Than Jake and Underoath, but it was alright because the bands we mainly came to see weren't playing until later.

We started by seeing Thrice who are pretty good live considering I only have one song by them on my iPod.

Then we looked at the schedule and realized Saosin was having a signing soon and they were the band I came to see the most. Didn't have to wait very long in line to get the entire band to sign my program. Win!

Most of the day was spend just walking around seeing the march and trying to survive the heat, but 6PM rolled around and the sun wasn't too bad.

NOFX live is great. They're extremely entertaining, but I think they did more talking and joking than they did singing because their songs are so short. Probably the biggest crowd I've ever been in the middle of.

Then 3OH!3 came on. You might ask, how NOFX had a bigger crowd than 3OH!3 and I'll say that I wasn't in the middle of the 3OH!3 crowd because they were playing around the same time as Saosin. I stood pretty far from the crowd and I was glad I did because they have a HUGE fan base. They're pretty entertaining for 2 dudes jumping around the stage with crazy electronica music going.

Saosin was awesome as usual. Guess they have a new record coming out in September that I got a copy of just by buying a shirt. Sweet! Best part though was getting a picture with Cove, the lead singer. Completely unexpected, just walked around to the side of the stage and he was standing out there talking to people. Pretty cool, he seems pretty chill.

Warped Tour was awesome, I'd go again for sure.


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