Sunday, August 9, 2009

Money, Camera Discrimination and Updates

Well Friends, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, but I guess my only excuse is trying to get the most out of summer so far and I think I have for the most part.

Things have been going well up until like right now. I owe my mom loads of money for the camera. I didn't get as much as I was expecting for my birthday so that wasn't fun, but I had a feeling so it's alright it made me save some more. Plus she's been asking for my transcript for the AAA Good Student discount on car insurance, which happens to require being full time enrolled with at least 12 units AND a current or cumulative GPA for 3.0 and guess which one I have. I have the 12 units part down solid. I've taken over 12 units every quarter, but I don't have the GPA to back it up. Spring quarter I had a 2.985, so close, but my average GPA is still lower. Granted I'm not in danger of being on academic probation or anything, I'm still disappointed in myself which means my mom will be more disappointed. And it makes it even harder because this summer she's let me have a lot of freedom I.E. STAYING AT HOME FOR 2 WEEKS WHILE SHE WAS IN CHINA!!!! and just hanging out with my friends a lot.

This happens to me a lot when I spend a lot of money on something. I think when I got Darcy (my surfboard) I was right in the middle of applying for colleges and was arguing with my mom about her not having faith in me getting into UCSD and stuff. And now that I have the Canon, my grades are shit and I owe her money. It's not a particularly happy situation. Especially now that Warped Tour AND Blink 182 is coming up.

But I'll have to reason with her hopefully like a mature adult. Discuss I mean, not reason or argue. Maybe she and I can have a beer summit ala Obama.

Alas, onto happier things!
I went to see No Doubt, Panic at the Disco and The Sounds last night. Last minute invite from a friend and I'm glad I took it. I remember seeing Panic back when they were relatively unknown and thought they sounded a lot like The Killers because I didn't know who Fall Out Boy was yet. They were still very good live. No Doubt was fuckin legit. Like I said Gwen Stefani, who I just found out is ALMOST 40 YEARS OLD!!, has killer abs and a killer body for that matter. They were awesome live. She interacts a lot with the crowd which is always a plus. And I think their stage was set up by apple because everything was super shiny white.

Pretty funny, I watched my friend spike a beach volleyball super hard and get Boo'd by almost the entire section. Gwen Stefani made all the guys scream "I'm just a girl." Twice.

And I was cougar-ed on the way to the bathroom. Yes Cougar-ed as in blatantly checked out by a woman who was over 40 years old dressing like she was 20. Felt like I needed a shower afterward. And yeah you know it's always good to be checked out by people outside of your age group while I get nothing from people IN my age group.

Yes and Emo and obesity do not mix. Because Emos were skin tight clothes, but when obesity is added to the equation, fat rolls are accented. Seriously these girls that tried to sit in front of us, (First don't think of me as shallow and don't accuse me of checking them out, I was trying to see around them and they just got in the way) seriously 3 sets of breasts going down the front. Ew.

BUT the worst part was I was a victim of camera discrimination. Apparently my camera was "too professional" to be let inside. Meanwhile people were getting in with point and shoot cameras. Now my camera can't record video, the lens I had on it cannot zoom very far compared to the point and shoot ones, that CAN record video, can zoom farther and sometimes have more mega pixels. (kind of makes you question why should people invest in d-SLRs over point and shoots) STILL, what's the difference? What could I possibly do with a "professional" grade camera? THE SAME THING EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING WITH THEIR POINT AND SHOOT CAMERAS!! Taking pictures of a fun time in my life to remember it for a long time!! But in really good quality!! Give me a break, Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre. Seriously. Now you have forced me to either fake my way into getting a press/photo pass OR just hide it better.

Game on.


1 comment:

  1. gwen was in a good shape that night, huh?
