Sunday, June 28, 2009

Facebook: The Movie

I've been seeing rumors floating around the internet about the production of a movie about Facebook or something like that.

Really? I can understand movies based off toys because you know those have characters, cool powers or weapons or stories behind them, but Facebook? That's a website and the only cool powers it has is knowing all the personal information about everyone in the world. Whoa...maybe the movie will be about the website become self-aware then black mailing all the users by showing their parents all the pictures of them partying and drinking. Then releasing the personal information to all the internet registered sex offenders!

But I still can't figure out what the movie would be about. Unless the directors and screen writers are extremely creative in making some story move along based on actions seen in facebook. New scenes are created when a user creates a new photo album. People become closer when they're tagged in photos together. Plot twists are introduced by new notifications?

Well, I just read that it's actually supposed to be based off some book about some young guy who suddenly comes into a lot of money and all the things that occur because of it. I don't know if that's true or not, but I guess whatever works.

I just don't think a movie based on a website will do very well. Maybe if they release prequels about Friendster, then Myspace. Or if they have the ULTIMATE WEBSITE FACEOFF: Myspace vs. Facebook vs. Twitter.

Although I think Myspace is actually dying because I saw that they began laying people off who were working on Myspace UK or something like that. Sorry, I'm rambling.

In conclusion, movies based around toys and books are more logical than trying to base a movie off a website.

Oh yeah, and Jimmy Fallon did play Tiger Woods at Wii golf...and WON! Pretty funny, but Tiger returned to play one more hole against Jimmy Fallon:


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