Friday, June 5, 2009

It might sound boring

Last night I saw the movie Up.

First, I have to give my review of it. It was probably the best movie I've seen this year. I didn't quite know what to expect, but the creative minds at Disney and Pixar have a way of taking some ridiculous premise and making it into something great. It was a lot of fun to watch. But it was a serious emotional rollercoaster. I told my friends it was more of an emotional rollercoaster than high school...and that's saying a lot. I found myself on the verge of crying out of sadness and laughter multiple times and those are signs of a quality movie, but again would you expect anything less from a Disney/Pixar movie?

Anyway this entry is mostly about something that was said in the movie. The little boy, Russell (who I just found out was Asian American, awesome!), describes how his father is really busy, but he remembers vividly how they would go get ice cream and sit on the curb. "I would count the blue cars and he would count the red ones. And who ever got the most...won...I like that curb...It might sound boring, but it's what I remember the most."
Something like that. That line was one of the instances where I was about to cry out of sadness.

The line seemed to hit harder because by this time next week, I will be back home for the summer. It's kind of a hard concept to grasp right now, but I guess it's a sign that something went right when I tell people confidently: I don't want to leave.

Russell speaks the truth. I can't remember perfectly everything I've done with my friends, but I do remember times when we would just sit and talk. I like those days...

I didn't really expect to feel this sad about moving out from the dorms, I felt like this when I move away from home, but this is...just unexpected. Sometimes I feel like I'm still getting adjusted to UCI, then I see my friends and I'll feel like I've been here for years. I'm still making new friends too so I've really had to make these last weeks count. I know everyone is going to "stay in contact" and there are so many ways to keep in touch these days, but everyone is still going to be doing their own things making it harder to stay in touch. It was so easy to just walk down the hall and see your friends greeting you with a smile. And it was so easy to know there was always someone there to laugh with or cry with or just be around. When I go home, it won't be that easy.

I was told before I left that even though you feel really close to your friends in high school, the friends you make in college are the ones who really will be around you for the rest of your life. Don't get me wrong, there are some people from my high school I plan to stay friends with forever, but now that I think about this year, it really makes more sense. I see these people when I wake up. I see these people when I go to class. I see these people when I eat. I see these people at night. I see these people before I go to sleep. I see these people anytime I want. I see these people when I don't expect it.

So Russell, I remember those days of going to Jillian and Vivian's room. We would sit on their beds or on the floor and just talk. Allen would get made fun of. Jillian would make a funny face. And I would always regret leaving to go to might sound boring, but I'll remember it the most...I like those days...


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