Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You're selling what?

So apparently some kid in the UK is selling his father's ashes on Ebay because he abandoned him as a child along with promising a house to the woman of which he left his wife for and this is his form of revenge. Would that be considered a fail or a win?

Fail because I doubt someone is actually going to buy the ashes...that'd just be weird. Also because the kid thinks this is some kind of revenge. I don't really know the hardships that come along with abandonment except that it must be difficult and it's probably natural for people to harbor angry feelings, but this might be a little over the top.

Win because he'll make money if someone actually buys the ashes, but as I said before...that'd just be weird. What exactly will you do with someone else's ashes? Although wouldn't it be funny if his Mom bought the ashes from him?

Either way, this doesn't quite seem like the best form to take your revenge. Once again I don't know much about abandonment issues, but maybe an alternative route would be to promise yourself to not become your father? I'm just saying.


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