Sunday, March 15, 2009

BASE Jumping

First of all the BASE part stands for

Antennae (antenna towers)
Span (bridges)
Earth (canyons, cliffs etc)

Pretty much these guys go sky diving except without the airplane. They find extremely tall buildings or cliffs, put on their parachutes and wing suits and jump. I think if you're a BASE jumper, you're probably the ultimate badass because you're the closest thing to Superman anyone can every get and it's freakin ILLEGAL in most places! Except for the illegal part, I think BASE jumping would be quite the experience. Just jumping and flying through valleys and over rivers would be the best way to view anything. Plus how cool would it be to point at some extremely tall building or cliff and be like " see that? Yeah I jumped off that."

Amazing. I wonder what my Mom would say if I told her I was dropping out of college to become a BASE jumper? It would probably end just like all the other things I told her I wanted to do like being a screen writer, a storm chaser or a ghost hunter.

Anyway I found some pretty sick videos of BASE jumping to give you a taste of what it's like. I think if anyone were to make an IMAX movie of base jumping I would be first in line to see that.

Awesome. Let me know if you want to do that with me. I think it'd be pretty sick. Good luck on finals. I'm taking a study break right now.

1 comment:


    Check that out dude!
