Saturday, July 25, 2009

Blacks Beach was going off!

So it is summer, so that means I watch the surf reports almost daily. So found out that a pretty huge swell was coming into San Diego predicting 6-7 foot waves. Now that doesn't normally happen during the summer because well there's not very many storms during the summer. Winter storms usually create big waves like those.

So anyhow, I'm not good enough to surf big waves like that, but I sure as hell would not miss a day like that, so I took a couple friends out to go check it out, snap a couple pictures, save a couple (3) people's boards, stand in the super warm water and constantly wish for a better camera.

On that note, I spoke with a friend about the new camera venture. It's been going pretty slow because I have no income...aside from the going was getting tough. HOWEVER, I have saved enough for the camera and 1 lens rather than my original plan of getting 2 lenses (regular lens and zoom lens).

It's alright though, when I really think about it, I only need the zoom lens for surfing pictures and I won't be taking those types of pictures while I'm at UCI so don't really need it right now.

In conclusion, the new goal is to have the camera in possession by August! WOO HOO!!


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