Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hairy Pawter

I'm writing this because 24 hours from now I will [hopefully] be having my mind blown to pieces by the next Harry Potter movie: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Please allow me to geek out for a bit.

I have high expectations as I was not very impressed by the 5th movie adaptation. It felt too rushed, but I didn't enjoy the 5th book anyway because it was all just leading up to the 6th one which was great.

Plus, Quidditch is back. Fuck yeah! I realize they had quidditch in the 5th movie, but I was absolutely devastated at the sport's treatment in the 4th movie and I'm not forgiving them easily. I mean how can you show them arriving at the Quidditch World Cup, find their seats, introduce the teams, have him announce that it starts...AND NOT SHOW A SECOND OF QUIDDITCH?!?!

Weak. Anyhow, I have a feeling this movie is going to be a winner. Not some stupid summer box office crap that stays at number 1 for a week, no, I expect Harry Potter to dominate for at least 3 weeks.



You know how our parents say they watched certain celebrities grow up on tv? This kind of feels the same way...just that we kind of grew up with them.

Except...I never got my Hogwarts acceptance letter...nor am I able to perform magic...and I'll probably never make as much money as they do in this lifetime.

I wonder if they realize that they will probably never have to work a day in their lives ever again?


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